We go the extra mile to make sure our clients’ policy needs are fully met. Here, education and legislative officials tell you in their own words what makes the Commonwealth Educational Policy Institute a reliable, trustworthy organization.

Former Gov. L. Douglas Wilder
Former governor of Virginia; Distinguished professor, VCU
“As a former governor, mayor and state senator, I have come to appreciate and benefit from accurate policy analysis. Commonwealth Educational Policy Institute always provides outstanding analysis of educational issues. You can always trust their work.”

Former Del. Bob Tata
Virginia House of Delegates, 85th District; Chairman, House Committee on Education
“Dr. Bosher and CEPI provide invaluable insight into how Virginians stand on issues facing our education system. The annual CEPI Education Poll is always a useful reference for legislators who are entrusted by the public to shape education policies.”

Bob Holsworth, Ph.D.
Former director of the Wilder School; VCU Board of Visitors member
“CEPI has produced the most interesting and useful surveys about education policy that I have seen in the commonwealth. It has tackled sensibly and intelligently some of the most challenging issues we face in Virginia. CEPI is an absolutely first-rate resource for elected leaders, school officials and education policy researchers.”

Paul Trible
President, Christopher Newport University; Former U.S. Senator for Virginia
“Dr. Bill Bosher has been a leader in public education for many years, serving as a thoughtful, creative and respected superintendent in Chesterfield and Henrico counties as well as superintendent of public instruction for the commonwealth of Virginia. He knows firsthand how to improve elementary and secondary education in our commonwealth and country.”

Pamela R. Moran, Ed.D.
Superintendent, Albemarle County Public Schools
“CEPI provides valuable information to me as a superintendent. First, the Resource Utilization Study conducted by a CEPI team provided a road map to more efficient allocation of resources during the economic downturn we’ve experienced since 2008. Recommendations in the CEPI report helped staff and the school board make budget reductions with as little school-based impact as possible.
“In addition, the annual survey of Virginia citizens about the state of public education in Virginia has helped me look at patterns and trends that relate to our own strategic work in Albemarle County Public Schools.”